Who We Are

The People Behind Our Shows


BraveHearts Radio: Airs Monday at 3 PM Central Time on VoiceAmerica’s Variety Channel. Also Available on Your Favorite Podcast Service.

BraveHearts Radio is dedicated to those men and women who have found that the key to success is happiness and the key to happiness is service to others. The show features community thought leaders who exemplify the BraveHeart qualities of Courage, Purpose, and Passion and have dedicated themselves to making the world a better place.

BraveHearts Radio inspires you with stories of courage, purpose, and passion and our guests share their secret to being a True Braveheart in the world. We delve into details such as their “Aha! Moments”; how they got them started on their unique Journey, and their guiding principles.

Our guests unselfishly share tips on how they stay the course, remain passionate, and have the courage to face the inevitable ups and downs. We talk about fun things, sad things, tremendous things, scientific things, all the things that are and have the potential to create a better world for future generations.

Join us Mondays at 1 PM Pacific on the VoiceAmerica Variety Channel.

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